Natural Treatment for Weakness and Fatigue

Weakness is the basic root of a reduction in the strength of muscles and improvement in body pain. Imbalanced diet or skipping needed nutrients, dehydration, lack of rest, stress and excessive workload, infectious diseases, anemia, some medication and non healthy lifestyle like masturbation can be the main causes of general weakness and fatigue. This weakness may lead you weight loss, fever, pain, headache, weak bones, diarrhea, diabetes and skin discoloration. Follow these home remedies and tips to treat the general weakness and fatigue. In a prolonged unexplained weakness contact your medical physician for a complete medical check up.

Best Home Remedies to Treat Weakness and Fatigue

  1. Start your day with a daily healthy breakfast and never skip your breakfast it may be the basic cause of general weakness and fatigue. Take 1 glass of Pomegranate or apple juice first then take a healthy breakfast with 250-300 calories in your plate. Iron in these juices improves our stomach and liver health and produce new blood in our body. Improves Red Blood Cells in our body. Best to get rid from pale face and general body weakness.
  2. Soak 5-6 dry Figs and 7 Almonds in a cup of water overnight. Next morning mashes these Figs in the same water and peel off almonds then put it in a blender. Add one glass of milk and 2 tablespoons of honey in it. Drink it daily for 1-2 months to get rid of any kind of mental and physical weakness. Also improve Haemoglobin level in our body and removes fatigue and general weakness.
  3. Daily eats 7 Ajwa Dates (Kajoor) and drink 1 glass of lukewarm milk after it 1 hour before going to bed. Within 2 or 3 months you will find yourself with strong muscles and strong vital organs.
  4. Eating 7-8 Almonds and 7-8 Black Currants (Munaka) daily with a glass of milk is also good to treat general weakness and fatigue. Also improve low hunger tolerance by improving your digestive track.
  5. Make a powder with 100 grams blanched Almonds, walnut 100 grams and 100 grams Sesame seeds then add 100 grams Poppy seeds. Boil 50 grams Jaggery (gur) in 3-4 tablespoons of water when it becomes thick and sticky turn off the stove. Place it to cool and then add all the ingredients in it. Daily take 1 tablespoon 1-2 hour before going to sleep it will improve your muscle health but also best for inadequate sleep. Natural healer for common fatigue.
  6. Drinking milk with ½ teaspoon turmeric powder and 2-3 pinches of saffron is also best to heal body muscle pain and weakness.
  7. Daily eating 8-10 grams Pumpkin seeds with Natural sugar (Misri) also best to improve your sleep and adding green coriander leaves in your every meal reduces acidity of the stomach which causes fatigue and reduces your sleep.
  8. Daily has taken 2 ripe Mango pulp for 2 weeks best to tonic to treat general body and muscle weakness. You can add 3-4 tablespoons of Grapes juice to decrease your sleeping disorders.
  9. Daily adding Spinach in your diet is the best reliever for fatigue by improving the potassium level in our body to enhance energy level.
  10. Take 1 glass daily Beetroot juice with Tomato juice is the best tonic to treat and prevent anemia for all ages.
  11. Daily take 2 Bananas with 1 bowl of plain yogurt in your breakfast is a good addition to improve your health.
  12. Eating 6-8 Bananas daily during the day with 125 grams roasted Chickpeas (kalay channay) is the best natural tip to overcome any kind of physical weakness in a month.
What to Add and What to Avoid
  • Take a good care of yourself for a healthy life.
  • Avoid taking alcohol or other drugs which may increase your fatigue level.
  • Drink a plenty of water daily to cure yourself from fatigue and stress.
  • Never skip your meals, especially breakfast.
  • Take a good and improved sleeping. 
  • Daily take a proper exercise to improve your mental and physical health.

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