Best Natural Food Sources for Sodium in Our Body

Sodium is very important for our healthy life but normally we avoid to check its nutrition facts. Sodium controls the Aldosterone hormone level in our body. This hormone drains out adrenal glands of our body which is good for kidney health. It also controls acid level, glucose level,  nerve signals and keep our muscles relaxed. Our skin pores waste a large amount of sodium through excessive sweating. It can also be decreased by excessive vomiting and loose motions.  Sodium chloride level in a normal man with 65 kg weight should around 256 grams. Natural food is the best source for individual needs for sodium. Excessive intake of sodium rich food can be the cause of  stomach ulcers, high blood pressure heart and kidney diseases. Reduce sodium intake as the age grows to keep yourself healthy. Because as we age the production of fluids and acids in our body increase and we have to control them by maintaining our daily diet.
Daily Recommendation for Sodium Intake
Male        10 to 15 grams
Female     10 to 15 grams
Children    5 to 10 grams

Best Food Sources of Sodium

It is best to take fruit juices for a patient by avoiding artificial or table salt as better treatment. Avoid to excessive intake of biscuits, eggs, cheese, carrot, spinach, radish and meat because these foods have high sodium than other foods like whole grains, sugar, honey, fresh fruits, Brinjal, lettuce, cauliflower, tomato, potato, onion and peas are good for our health.  To fulfill your daily requirement of sodium naturally just choose 1 item from each food portion given below:
  • Cereals 
Corn 51.7 mg, wheat gram 20.0 mg, dry corn 15.9 mg, roasted rice 10.9 mg, oat 7.3 mg
  • Lentils & Beans
Red beans 93.0 mg, chickpea 73.2 mg, whole lentils 40.1 mg, moong 28.0 mg.
  • Fish and Meat
Rohu fish (Labeo rohita) 101.0 mg, Salmon 53.0 gram, beef 52.0 mg, meat 33. Mg.
  • Vegetables
Green leafy 230 mg, pink radish 63.5 mg, spinach 58.5 mg, cauliflower 53.0 mg, green tomato 45.8 mg, gourd 35.0 mg.
  • Fruits
Lychee 124.9 mg, melon 104.6 mg, ripe banana 36.6 mg, pineapple 34.7 mg, apple 28.0 mg, mango 26.0 mg.

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