Top 6 Best Home Remedies & Tips for Joints Pain and Swelling

Joints problem cause of pain around the world. We try to get rid of this pain as quickly as possible. Almost we have all experienced this pain in our life. No one is there who has not suffered from pain. Injury is the most common cause of this pain, continuous inflammation can cause of permanent joint pain. The aging and heavy weight lifting are also the causes of joints pain. The disorder is also related to age and weather conditions. After 30-35 most people begin to complain pain in their knees. Arthritis pain damages the joint tissues which covered our joints with a layer with which we can move our joints easily. In medical line treatment for joint pains are not reliable; most of the painkiller and drugs damages your stomach and have many side effects.
Diet is the major factor to reduce the joint pain. Use of lower Protein and animal fats  that may cause of joint problems. Constipation is related to joints and toxins. Digestive weakness reabsorbed back into the blood which effects on joints.
If you have joint problem it can be worse during pregnancy. Hormone Relaxing is released into your system during pregnancy. During pregnancy period try to reduce joint pain. Exercise, power walk, swimming is helpful for your pain. Bad weight gain is bad news for pregnancy. For swelling during pregnancy Protein and Magnesium and vitamin D can make the swelling go away.
Be careful after an injury it could be harmful for your joints. During playing you are on high risk use braces to save your joints.
Number of population getting fatter. Loss weight because heavy weight is harmful for your joints. Research shows that thin body increases joint problem. Loss 10 to 15 percent of your weight. It will make a good difference in your joint bearing.Here we have some useful and effected home remedies to get rid from this unbearable joint pain.
Best Remedies for Joints Pain
# 01 Best Remedy for Joints Health


Brinjal                                 1 - medium size
Sesame Seeds Oil               2 - Kg
Cloves (Long)                    As required to Pinch
Iron Utensil                        1- for boiling

Take one medium size Brinjal and cover it fully by pinching Cloves (long) in it but avoid pinching upper green part. Dip it in 2 kg Sesame seed oil (Metha Teil) completely or put the oil in that iron utensil in which Brinjal dip completely. Put it on the stove on low flame overnight. Next morning off the stove and leave it to cool. Filter it with a cotton cloth piece and keep it in a glass jar with tight lid. Daily take a smooth massage on your joints or back with a few drops of this oil (avoid taking a hard massage) before going to bed and cover the affected area with warm cloth. Within few days you will get rid of joints, arthritis and back pain. Weekly 1 or 2 times massage keeps your joints from any pain and swelling.

 # 02 Best Remedy for Joints Health

Olive Oil                                 100 grams
Pumpkin Seeds Oil                 100 grams
Carom Seeds Oil                    100 grams
Cloves Oil                              100 grams
Ginger Powder                       2-3 tablespoons

Mixable all Oils in saucepan and add ginger powder in it. Put on the stove with low flame and burn this ginger powder in these oils. Off the flame when ginger powder seems black, filter it when cools down. Store it in a bottle with a lid. Massage for 10-15 minutes with this oil twice a day especially before going to sleep. After Massage cover the affected area with woolen cloth for 25-30 minutes at least. It works marvelously and quickly on joint pain, inflammation and swelling. With a continuing use of this remedy your joints will become healthier and stronger.

# 03 Best Remedy for Joints Health


Egg Yolk                                                               2-3
Walnut tree skin Powder                                       2 tablespoons                      
Castor Oil                                                            2-3 tablespoons
Fish Oil                                                                1-2 tablespoons
White Turmeric (amba haldi) Powder                    4-5 tablespoons


Mix all ingredients in Egg yolks and make a thick paste in a pane. Heat up slightly on the stove for just 5-10 seconds not cook. Apply this paste quickly when it warms up on your affected joints and bandit with a cotton cloth. Leave it over night and remove it the next morning. Wash the area with lukewarm water with Epsom salt. You will feel pain has been removed effectively. Quick and effective remedy for joint pain. especially for injured joints pains.

# 04 Best Remedy for Joints Health

Milk                                        2 cups
Almond Oil                             1-2 tablespoons (Crushed)
Walnuts                                  1 tablespoon (Crushed)
Turmeric Powder                    ¼ teaspoon (quarter teaspoon)

Boil all the ingredients in milk for 8-10 minutes. When milk evaporates into 1 cup sip it like tea. Continued use of this remedy for one month will strengthen you joints inner health.

# 05 Best Remedy for Joints Health


Papaya Seeds                           1-2 tablespoons
Tea bag                                    1- one
Honey                                      1 teaspoon
Black Pepper                           1-2 pinch
Water                                       2 cups

Boil Papaya seeds in water for 8-10 minutes. Then add teabag in it and boil again for 1-2 minutes. Filter it and add Honey  and black pepper before you have it. Use it daily 2-3 times for painful joints.

# 06 Best Remedy for Joints Health

Ginger Tea is one of the oldest and effective remedy for joint pain and swelling. Ginger oil massage on the affected area on a regular basis can reduce pain, inflammation and stiffness.

Specific joints are affected by arthritis pain.
1)           Back Pain
2)           Ankle Pain
3)           Knee pain
4)           Foot Pain
5)           Elbow Pain
6)           Hip Pain
7)           Hand Pain
8)           Wrist Pain
9)           Thumb Pain
10)          Jaw Pain
11)          Neck Pain
12)          Shoulder Pain
13)          Muscle Pain
14)          Spine Pain
15)          Nerve Pain

Osteoarthritis (OA)
Osteoarthritis pain occurs after 50 years. When bones rub against each other you feel pain and stiffness. Also called degenerative arthritis can be a reason of breakdown cartilage and bones.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
Cause swelling and damage cartilage and bones around the joints. Rheumatoid Arthritis affects women about 4 times more than men. Smoking is very worst to enhance rheumatoid arthritis.

A vascular Necrosis
Damage the cartilage, non-nutritious diet may cause of this pain. Proper diet for blood circulation in our body is very important because blood makes our bones and cartilage strong.

Trauma is the most common type of joint pain. Injuries are the cause of this pain. Muscle tear around the joint may cause immediate pain and swelling.

Paget Disease
Often affects on hips. It changes the bones structure and shape. It has changed the lower body shape.
 Top 5 Best Remedies and Best Tips for Joints Pain/Arthritis and Swelling.

Tips & Precautions to Cure Joints Pain

·         Do not overload your joints. Take rest during the daytime.
·         To reduce pain use ice pack this can be very useful to reduce pain and stiffness.
·         Fasting is also helpful to reduce pain and swelling.
·         Use of Fish or Fish oil (omega-3s) best to reduce joints pain. Omega 3 fatty  also helps to keep your joints healthy.
·         Fresh fruits and vegetables find very helpful in joints pain. Dry fruit and nuts also help to reduce joint pain.
·         Proper exercise is very useful and beneficial for joints and muscles.
·         The foot joint problem can cause damage the entire lower body specially knee & hip pain. Use comfortable shoes to get rid naturally of foot pain.
·         Red Pepper, Turmeric and spearmint are effective for joint pains.
·         It has been experienced after taking Ginger, patients significantly relieve pain and swelling.
·         Tart cherry juice has amazing healing and pain relief benefits.
·         Pineapples used for centuries to reduce inflammation and pain.
·         Prevent from joint pain keep moving. Daily exercise is very helpful. Even if you are at your work place trying to move after every one hour.
·         The most effective way to prevent arthritis is “JOGGING”.
·         Stop smoking because it burns the oxygen in your body which is harmful to your joints.
·         Take hot or warm shower it good for your muscles and joints.
·         Professional therapists also advise to take massage at the time of your bath.  

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