Best Tips and Remedies to Reduce Belly Fat Naturally

If you love yourself then your willpower can make it possible to lose weight. If you are self confidence you can make it possible. All your previous efforts fail to work in the long run because of you. To shoot weight identifies your ideal weight. Keep track your weight daily. When you eat more calories than you burn then you gain weight on your belly first. If you eat normal calories than burn, you must loss your weight and belly fat.Use a happy and healthy food strategy which you should adopt as your lifestyle. Helping tips and natural remedies to lose belly fat naturally for you are given below:

Best Natural Remedies and Tips to Reduce Belly Fat Faster
  1. Dry of Bitter Gourd peels off  and its seed in the sun. Make a powder with them and keep it in a glass bottle. Daily take ½ teaspoon with water 1 hour before your breakfast. The best natural remedy from older times to lose belly fat naturally without any side effect.
  2. Ginger tea with honey and lemon juice daily found very effective to reduce belly fat naturally.
  3. Boil 8-10 Basil Leaves in 1 cup of water for 1-2 minutes. Eat ½ teaspoon Negilla Seeds (kolonji) with this boiled basil leaves water. Within 1-2 months continue use of this remedy makes your body fit and smart.
  4. Grind 125 grams Almonds and 125 grams Currants (munaka) and make pills with this mixture. Take 1 tablet with a lukewarm cup of milk over your breakfast daily. The best tip to control your body weight and fat.
  5. Make a paste of 100 grams fresh flower Calotropis (aak tree flower) and mix 50 grams black salt in it. Make pills with the size of Jujube (bair). Take 1 tablet daily after having your dinner. It will remove out your all bad fats and cholesterol from your body. Also best tip to deal with constipation.Try to keep yourself from constipation to have a smart figure.
Best Natural Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Tip 1:
Start your day with a healthy breakfast. Who don’t take breakfast will eat large food later. Try to eat more slowly and savor each bite at least 30 times.

Tip 2:
Gradually reduce your meal 15 to 20% weekly. Use low calorie food. Weigh yourself regularly.

Tip 3:
Stop eating before you full your stomach. Reduce calorie intake for a healthier Heart, blood pressure, asthma,   and free of joint pain. A heavy weight is one of the reasons for Joints Pain.

 Tip 4:
Avoid eating during watching TV, working, driving and using the computer. When you are eating pay attention on your food.

Tip 5:
High fiber food fills your stomach full for the longest time because it takes more time to digest.

Tip 6:
Fruits and Vegetable delicious salads are full of flavor and low in calories. Use veggies (cucumber, tomato, avocado) in your sandwich and burger instead of meat, chicken, beef and cheese. Use vegetables in your pasta and noodles plate. Vegetable soups are healthier diet.

Tip 7:
Whole grain is better than white bread. White bread is not good for your stomach.

Tip 8:
Avoid thinking about your favorite foods. Do not use foods or a snake which contains more sodium and fats. Give a longer break to your digestive system. But not more than 18 hours.

Tip 9:
Try to reduce fat, sugar and sodium in your favorite snacks. Protein foods like yogurt, beans, dry fruits or white meat are good source and usage of low calories beneficial. Protein food takes longer time to digest.

Tip 10:
Take your meal by cutting into small pieces and smell thoroughly your meal before eating. Try to intake your meal in big bowls.

Tip 11:
Avoid to soft drink soft drinks. A regular bottle of soft drink contains about 8-10 teaspoons of sugar and 150 calories.

Tip 12:
Exercises, sleeping 8 hours at night, use more water and real fruit juices but without sugar. Drink 2 glasses of water before you take your meal.

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