Best Food for Joints and Arthritis Pain

Non healthy diet decreases your bones velocity which can be the cause of joints and muscle pain. The best physician analysis what you are not eating rather than what you are eating. But if you are not eating a balanced diet avoid or stop using non healthy diet. Patients with joint pain should completely avoid taking spices, vinegar, chocolate, roasted peanuts, alcohol, soft drinks, red meat and its curry, egg yolk, fats, more intakes of salt or sugar and fried foods. Avoid using those foods which can be the cause of allergy and increase joint pain for you. Supplements, Vitamin A, B, C, and E, copper, zinc, iodine and phosphorus are good for joints and muscle health. Here we have some foods those are best to reduce joint and muscle pain.
Best Foods to Reduce Joints and Arthritis Pain
1.  Parsley (Ajmood)
The best salad for joint patients, quantity of sodium in Parsley is better than calcium. Drinking ½ liter of fresh Parsley leaves juice daily smooth your joint movements and you can easily get rid of joint pain. You can add carrot juice to change its flavor.
To reduce and control uric acid level naturally and effectively boil parsley seeds in water for 1 hour, filter it and sip it like tea.
2.  Alfalfa
Alfalfa seed tea reduces inflammation of joints and pain. It removes food acids and uric acid from your body. Boil for ½ hour Alfalfa seeds in water than filter it and take it. The patient should take alfalfa tea 3-4 times daily during the day.
3.  Cod Liver Oil
The best natural source of Vitamin A and E for the health of joints. Cod Liver Oil 98% reduces your joint pain and improves your bone density.
4.  Cherry
Red citric Cherry is the best food to treat uric acid naturally.  Fresh cherry is much better and more effective than preserved cherry. Eating cherry with an empty stomach is more beneficial for joint pain. You must feel better after continued use for 7-10 days positively.
5.  Raw Potatoes Juice
Those who are not allergic to potatoes use raw potato juice daily to resolve uric acid and lime. Cut potato in small pieces and put them in a glass of cold water to soak it overnight. Next morning filter this water and drink it with an empty stomach or compress potato juice with peel and mix water in equal quantity.
6.  Garlic
The use of garlic stops free radical growth. Free radicals are harmful for your joint health. Garlic helps to drain out these radicals and improves joint health.
7.  Beet Root (Chukandar)
Sodium and potassium in Beet root control calcium level in our body. Beet root cures our bones and joins health.
8.  Grapes
Using daily 100-150 grams grapes very much effective to get rid of joint pain.
9.  Honey
Use of Honey daily with an empty stomach is best to cure joint pain and uric acid.
Walnuts are full with Vitamin B 6 and copper. Take 12-15 Walnuts Kernel (maghaz), 1 teaspoon Brewer’s Yeast, 1 ripe Banana and 1 teaspoon  wheat seeds (wheat seeds full with vitamin B 6 and Zinc). Make a fine paste with all ingredients and use it daily for 2 weeks. Joint pain will remove permanently. Wonderful tip for the joint patients.

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