Drink This Iced Tea for a Better Memory

Next time you feel a little foggy or forgetful, brew yourself a refreshing glass of iced green tea.
A recent study provides convincing evidence that the brew may help boost memory performance and attention in older adults who have mild cognitive impairment.

A Cognition-Boosting Brew
The study involved older adults who were given green tea supplement extract to take twice daily, along with an extra amino acid that's found in green tea -- L-theanine. And compared with a control group given a placebo, the tea takers exhibited sizeable improvements on tests that measured their memory and attention skills. It's not quite clear how green tea enhanced their cognitive functions, but the researchers suspect that it might have something to do with the extra L-theanine. Something about this compound may help produce a jump in theta-wave activity in regions of the brain responsible for memory and attention.  

Memory in a Cup?
And although the study participants took a tea supplement rather than drinking tea, other studies have found similar cognitive boosts in folks who got their green tea the old fashioned way: brewed and in a cup. So make green tea a part of your daily diet. Besides, tea has lots of other great health benefits going for it -- beyond boosting your mental powers

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