Best Natural Food to Shrink Enlarged Spleen

Cirrhosis Liver diseases, blood infections and problem with the lymph system are the main causes of enlarged and swelled spleen. Spleen is an organ that filters blood and maintain red and white blood cells platelets levels. Also maintain a drainage system network that protect our body against infection. Enlarged spleen can not work properly and can cause to destroy blood cells. Weight loss, jaundice, bleeding from any part of body (Nose or Mouth), fatigue and anemia are the basic signs of an enlarged spleen. If you are feeling pain during bowel movement or feeling that you did not completely empty the bowels, lack of hunger, pain on the upper left side of the abdomen, difficulty in breathing then you must consult your medical physician first for a complete physical exam. In certain severe conditions doctors have to remove out the spleen from your body and after that you cannot effectively clear certain bacterias from the body. If you consider to treat this problem in an early stage, you can cure yourself from a surgery by using these useful home remedies and natural tips.

Best Natural Food Tips for the Treatment of Enlarged Spleen

  1. Soak raw Papaya in apple cider vinegar over night. Next morning slice it and sprinkle 6 grams salt over it and eat it. Best tip to shrink spleen size naturally.
  2. Daily take 200-250 grams Papaya with an empty stomach. Best natural food to treat inflammation, enlargement and swelling of the spleen. Also work as a spleen pain cutter. Papaya helps the spleen to clear up and remove bacteria from the blood cells. 
  3. Make a powder with Natural Borax (Suhaga baryan) 12 gram and Mustard seeds (rai) 20 grams. Take 1 gram daily 2 times during the day.
  4. Daily drinking 1 or 2 glass of Fresh Apple juice best to keep the lymphatic system clean and reduces the enlarged spleen size naturally.
  5. Boil 3-4 litters water with 2-3 tablespoons of Fennel seeds and ½ teaspoon Carom seeds daily. Drink this water in place of tap water to heal the spleen inflammation and to shrunk the enlarged spleen size naturally.
  6. Take 1 cup of Beetroot juice with 1 tablespoon of Ginger root juice 2-3 times during the day. It keeps your spleen energetic and strong.
  7. To heal spleen swelling use of Jamun (Jambolan) is good and effective to the problem.
What to Add and What to Avoid
  • Keep a balanced diet because diet can help to keep your spleen healthy naturally.
  • Avoid to consume hard to digest foods it may cause of pain in spleen and swelling.
  • Totally avoid to take tomatoes or food make with tomatoes.
  • Avoid to take foods with more protein and fats like red meat, beef or lean meat etc.
  • Totally avoid consuming alcohol, nicotine and carbonated drinks.
  • Drink a plenty of water daily. Water can be helpful to shrink enlarged spleen.
  • A high fiber food can lower your problem fast.
  • Avoid to take hot and hard to digest foods.

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