Best Homemade Remedies to Treat Acne Problem Naturally

Acne must be the oldest and common skin disease in male and female. Oil glands and hair follicles may cause of this skin problem. Face, neck, chest and shoulders are mostly affected areas in the body. In young age Harmonic changes are one of the major causes for Acne. Constipation is one of the main reasons of Acne problem.  Dietary disorders, sugar, Oily and spicy food may cause of some skin problems.
80% of our population at the age of 14-25 has to face with this problem. Some skin problems may cause of tension and frustration. Especially in young age boys and girls. They are more conscious to be look good in this period.
Home made remedies more effective and secure than Pathological treatment for your skin. However you can cure this problem faster and securely at home with no side affects.  

Best Natural Treatments For Acne Removal

1)Acne Treatment with Garlic
Daily rub mush cloves of garlic with folk on affected area at least 5-6 times. Make a paste of garlic and white vinegar with equal amount. Antioxidant element in the garlic juice may remove infection and Acne. It will remove stains and resolve Acne.
2)Acne Treatment with Ginger
Daily rub a thin slice of ginger on your face especially on Acne for 15-20 seconds. It will remove Acne and lighten your complexion. Use it 5-6 times daily.

3)Epsom Salt Treatment
Bath twice weekly with Epsom salt it is very affective for Acne Treatment. Mix 2-3 you bath tub and stay in this water approximately 20-25 minutes.

4)Treatment with Potato Paste
Potato juice removes freckles. Potato juice is the best cleanser. Mix one table spoon of Potato paste with lemon juice and apply it on your face for 15-20 minutes and wash it with luck warm water.

5)Treatment with Milk & Salt
Mix 1 tbs Salt in 4 tbs milk and apply it with cotton on affected area for at least 8-10 times daily and keep using this for one month for clean and glowing skin.
6)Treatment with Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera improves the appearance of the skin and very much helpful for other skin diseases. Steam your face for 8-10 minutes after removing towel on your face apply a thin layer of Aloe Vera .Gel on the whole face. Wash it after 20-25 minutes with luck warm water. You can see a remarkable improvement.

7)Acne Treatment with Cucumber
Cucumber has cooling, soothing and hydrating affect on our skin. Peel of cucumber and cut into thin slices and spread it on your face for 30 min and wash your face with cold water. Blend half cucumber with 2 tbs. Aloe Vera gel apply this paste on your face for 30 min and than wash it with cold water. It is also a best facial cleanser for your skin. 

8)Acne Treatment with Ice Cubes
To reduce swelling rub Ice Cubes makes with green tea water on blemishing area twice a day. It will soothe your skin and quick treatment for your Acne.

9)Acne Treatment with Neem
A Magical treatment for Acne and Pimples on you skin. Both Neem powder and oil are affective directly apply on blemish area to mix it with tiny amount of water. Leave it over night and see affective results.

10)Acne Treatment with Egg white Mask
Apply egg white with your finger or brush and leave it overnight. Wash it next morning with luck warm water.

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