The Secret of long life and still interact

One tip that most encouraged by this poll is still interact, have close contact with family or friends. Secrets are always trying to make the brain and mind is always active and keeps the liver remain happy with laughter. "If I should leave a message, do not cease to think. Forever," says a woman who has reached 102 years, Maurice Eisman.

While the things that you should always avoid and keep out of life, Eisman said, is is stress. "I think the worst thing is stress, and you can avoid it by managing your life, 'he said.

From results of polls conducted over the telephone was revealed that some participants it also has modern lifestyle. Approximately 19 percent of whom claimed to use mobile phones, 12 percent used the Internet and 3 percent even date someone who is known by chat. A total of 45 percent also know the winner of American Idol in 2005, Carrie Underwood.

Asked about favorite celebrities whom they want to ask if there is a chance for dinner, most choose the actor Bill Cosby followed by golfer Tiger Woods and presenter Oprah Winfrey. Britney Spears and Howard Stern is also a favorite entry, though the choice at least.

The poll was initiated Roper GfK Public Affairs & Media in April and May in a health coordination programs for the elderly. Because of the centenarians who were included were those whose condition is healthy, these poll results may not be able to represent every person in that age range.
Here are 10 tips followed by the percentage of how important meaning for the lives of centenarians:
* Stay close to family and friends: 90%
* Keeping the mind active: 89%
* Laugh and have a sense of humor: 88%
* Fixed maintain spirituality or spirituality: 84%
* Continue forward to pass a new days: 83%
* Keep moving and exercising: 82%
* Maintain a sense of freedom: 81%
* Eat healthy: 80%
* Keep following the news and the latest developments: 63%
* Continue to look for new friends: 63%

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