Top 5 Best Homemade Natural Sun Block for Men

Men have to face more strongest sun than women, when you are going to be out in the sun in summer or winter then you must need a sunblock to protect your skin cells from Ultra Violate Rays which can be the cause of Acne, pimples, dead skin cells and skin wrinkles. Sun bock is much better than sunscreen to block more UV rays, apply a coat during the strongest hours of the sun to keep your skin healthy. If you are using non branded sun block which contain on chemical ingredients stop using it right now because it could be the cause of skin cancer too. More than 95% men and women think natural remedies are most effective and safe for their most expensive skin. In a severe condition immediately contact to a dermatologist for best solutions.

Top 5 Best Natural Homemade Suns Block for Men

1. Husun e Yusuf, Rose Water & Gram Flour


1)      Husun e Yusuf                  2-3 tablespoons
2)      Rose Water                      1-2 tablespoon

Mix Husun e Yusuf in Rose water and apply it with a cotton swab on affected area before going out.
Continued use of this remedy will give a smooth, soft and glowing skin. Very much effective for suntan.

2. Aloe Vera, Almond Butter and Coconut Water


1)      Aloe Vera Gel                     ½ cup
2)      Almond Butter                     ¼ cup
3)      Coconut Water                    ½ cup

Mix all the ingredients in a glass jar and make a soft & smooth paste. Keep this paste with a tighten lid in refrigerator and use it daily before going out in the sun. It will care your skin and prevent your skin from UV rays.

3. Goat Milk or Curd, Turmeric & Salt


1)      Goat Milk or Curd              ¼  cup

2)      Turmeric                             1-2 pinches

3)      Salt                                     2 teaspoons  

Mix all the ingredients well. Soak a cotton ball in it and apply it on the effected tanned area. Very much effective sun block remedy for the tough and rough skin.

4.Sandal Wood Powder, Onion Juice & Wheat Flour


1)      Sandal Wood Powder             1 teaspoon

2)      Onion Juice                             1-2 tablespoons

3)      Wheat Flour                            1 teaspoon

Mix Sandal Wood Powder and Wheat Flour and then add onion juice in it. Make a paste and apply it on the affected area for 15-20 minutes. Will improve skin condition affected by the sun.

5. Cucumber Juice, Tomato Juice & Orange Peel Off Powder


1)      Cucumber Juice                        3-4 tablespoons
2)      Tomato Juice                             2-3 teaspoons
3)      Orange Peel Off Powder            1 tablespoon full

Dry in sun Orange Peel Off and make powder. Mix it in Cucumber Juice and Tomato Juice. Apply this paste on affected area for 15-20 minutes. Use it daily before going out for healthy glowing skin. Very much effective sunblock  remedy.

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