Top 15 Health and Beauty Tips to Eating Sweet Corn

If you want a healthy, nutritious and tasty breakfast than pick an boiled or steamed Sweet Corn as best food. Lunch time, you can add boiled Maize/Sweet Corn in your salad to make it amazing and eating it in the evening can make you more fit and beautiful.  Here we presenting you health and beauty benefits of Sweet Corn.
Top 15 Health and Beauty Benefits Of Sweet Corn
1.  Corn Oil contains high amount of Omega 6 fatty acid, which is necessary for our body and brain function, growth and health but our body can not make it we have to get it through food and sweet corn is the best source to get it. Vitamin B1 in sweet corn also increase memory and develop brain cells functions.

2.  Low in Calories: per 100 Grams contains 86 calories. With a continues use of sweet corn you can lose you weight naturally and effectively.

3.  Rich source of vitamins (A,B,C,E) and minerals like magnesium, zinc, iron, copper   phosphorus, selenium and potassium. Which play a major role to maintain our body overall health.

4.  Vitamin B12 and Folic acid in it prevent from anemia. Which can lead you some serious diseases.

5.  Sweet Corn reduces LDL cholesterol level, which causes heart attacks. Vitamin B9 in Sweet Corn reduces the damaging of blood vessels which can cause for heart attack. Sweet corn also improve the blood flow in our body.

6.  Good for digestive system and constipation by absorbing water which swells the stool and speeds its movement, digest bacterias from blood and skin.

7.  Best source of Fiber and Whole Grains,Which improves our digestive system and improve the health of digestive track.

8.  Lower the risk of diabetes, kidney problems, breast and liver cancer. Sweet corn high in fiver which controls our body or blood sugar level

9.  Sweet corn also the best source of Lutein and beta carotene which is best to prevent your eyes from cataracts and also improve your vision.

10.  A Good anti-aging food. Continues use of sweet corn keep your look younger. Face massage with corn oil improve your skin texture and soften it.

11.  Vitamin E in Sweet corn paste application on face can reduce your face Acne Scars.

12.  Use of sweet corn during pregnancy leads to birth a health weight baby with strong bones and healthy mind. Because sweet corn is the best source of folic acid and zinc.

13.  Corn Oil is a healthy oil for cooking than Olive Oil and Canola Oil. Corn Oil has more Vitamin E than other oils and comparatively less priced.

14.  Continues massage of Corn Oil for joints pain is very beneficial for bones and joints.

15.  Hot corn oil massage on hair can be best for skull skin and best removal for dandruff.

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