Debating whether to take a second helping of together time with friends or family today? Go ahead, go back for more.
Research shows that being socially connected is about as good for your body as quitting smoking would be if you smoked. That's some pretty powerful bonding!
Keep Your Friends Close
Yep, researchers reviewed more than 148 different studies and found that the more socially connected people had double the survival odds of less social folks. Their analysis compiled data from more than 300,000 older adults and the results helped prove that supportive relationships are like good medicine for heart, body, and soul.
Friends with Benefits
Having good friends and close family in your corner helps you live longer by making it easier to blow off stress and weather tough times (assuming those relationships are solid and not toxic). What's more, feeling more invested in relationships often motivates people to take better care of themselves.
Best Tips to Remove Hair on Fingers NaturallyLittle unwanted hair on fingers can be the cause of embarrassment and damage your hands and feet …
Why did the vegan actually at risk of heart disease?Many who believe that diet foods and animal derivatives safe for heart health. But the fact that a …
Natural Food Tips to Cure Early DischargeMore than 30% men affected by early ejaculation and get embarrassed when ejaculate very soon withou…
Natural Home Remedies and Food Tips to Treat Pneumonia (Namunia)A common conception about an infectious Pneumonia is to stay with the severe cold weather without p…
Best Natural Tips and Remedies to Treat Smelly Hair/Hair OdorHair unpleasant odor is a common problem with all ages and any type of hair length. The smelly hair…
Natural Scrubs for Men's Fair ComplexionUsually men neglect their skincare routines although they have to work in the field which could c…
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