Homemade 8 Best Anti Aging Face Masks

HOME MADE ANTI AGING FACE MASKS #1Home Made Anti Aging Masks With Egg White And Aloe Vera Gel

You Need:

  •     2 Eggs White
  •     2 Tablespoon Aloe Vera Pure Gel
Method :
Take 2 tablespoons of Pure Aloe Vera Gel and 2 eggs white mix it gently when it looks like a paste now
apply the paste on your face and neck for 15 minutes.Then wash it with lukewarm water. It is best mask for face and anti aging.

#2.      Anti Aging Mask With Milk, Oatmeal, Almond Oil

You Need:
  •     2 Tablespoons Oatmeal
  •     1 teaspoon Almond oil
  •     2-3 Tablespoons milk

Mix the milk and oatmeal for five minutes then mix almond oil. After that spread the paste gently with your tips on your face and neck, avoid eyes and lips.Now leave the mask on your face for 25-30 minutes.Then wash it with Luke warm water, dry your skin with a towel. After washing face apply a little amount of fresh cream on your face.

#3.      Home Made Anti Aging Masks With Banana,Oatmeal & Lemon Juice.

You Need:
  •     1 Mashed Banana
  •     2 tablespoon Oatmeal flour
  •     1 tablespoon Lemon Juice
Take 1 Well Mashed banana add Oatmeal flour and Lemon Juice in it.
And apply this paste on your face and neck gently and relax for 20 minutes. Then wash with lukewarm water.

#4.      Home Made Anti Aging Masks With Avocado,Carrot Juice, Egg.

 You Need:
  •     ½ fresh Avocado Paste
  •     1 Egg
  •      3-4 tablespoons Carrot Juice
Mix all the ingredients until it comes in a creamy paste form.Spread the mask on your clean face and neck.Then relax for 20-55 minutes and wash it with lukewarm.

#5.      Home Made Anti Aging Masks With Green Tea, Fresh Cream & Egg White

You Need:
  •     1 Egg white
  •     1 teaspoon Green Tea Leaves Powder
  •     1 tablespoon Fresh Cream
Mix Egg white with green tea powder and fresh cream, you can add some water to make a smooth and fine creamy paste.Then apply the paste on your face and neck for 15-20 minutes and clean it with Luke warm water.
#6.      Home Made Anti Aging Masks With Ginger Powder Egg White & Orange Juice.

 You Need:
  •     2 tablespoons Ginger powder
  •     1 Egg White
  •     1 teaspoon fresh Orange juice
Ginger powder, orange juice and egg white mix it well until you have a smooth creamy paste, then apply on your face and neck for 20 to 25 minutes.Then wash it with a lukewarm water.

#7.      Home Made Anti Aging Masks With White Clay, Lemon Juice & Olive Oil

You Need:
  •     3-4 tablespoons White Clay
  •     1 tablespoon Lemon Juice
  •     1 teaspoons Olive oil
  •     2 tablespoons Boiled Water
Mix the clay with water and the rest of the ingredients to make a smooth and sticky.
Apply the paste with your finger tips on your face and neck, and leave it for 20-25 minutes.
Then wash it with a Luke warm water

#8.      Home Made Anti Aging Masks With Cucumber, White Clay & Strawberry Juice

You Need:
  •     ½  Grated Cucumber
  •     3-4 Tablespoons of Fresh Strawberry Juice
  •     1 tablespoon White Clay
Mix all ingredients and apply the paste on your face with your finger tips. Apply the paste on your face for 15-20 minutes and clean it with Luke warm water. After wash the face you can use a moisturizer.

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