10 Myths About Masturbation

Masturbation is a natural sexual practice. In fact, May is known as National Masturbation Month. Still, many are raised believing certain myths about masturbation said About.com. Here’s a look at the truth.

Myth #1: Masturbation is for the young.

Masturbation is a lifelong sexual activity. About.com reported surveys regularly show 70 to 95 percent of adult men and women masturbate.

Myth #2: Masturbation causes blindness, acne, hair loss, chronic fatigue, hairy palms or cancer. 

Not true. In fact, doctors say masturbation has medical benefits, wrote Seventeen.com. It can relieve stress, insomnia, headaches, PMS and menstrual cramps.

Myth #3: Masturbation isn't real sex.

When people masturbate, they can get really aroused, which can result in very real orgasms, said About.com. From a health perspective, masturbation is as “real” a sexual activity as intercourse, oral sex or kissing.

Myth #4: People in relationships don’t masturbate. 

WebMD reported people in relationships actually masturbate more often than those who aren’t.

Myth #5: Men have to masturbate; women don’t. 

While most statistics show men masturbate more than women, said About.com, there’s no evidence suggesting this is due to a male biological need.

Myth #6: Masturbation ruins how other kinds of sex feels.

Planned Parenthood wrote masturbation can help other kinds of sex feel better, not worse. It’s about discovering what touching and sensations work for each individual. And it helps learn how to orgasm.

Myth #7: Only certain kinds of people masturbate.

Not true according to About.com and WebMD. Masturbation is not for the "simple-minded," the antisocial, or the immature. According to DivineCaroline.com, people with healthy attitudes towards sex are likely to masturbate at least occasionally.

Myth #8: It's more acceptable for boys to masturbate than girls. 

Social attitudes toward female masturbation are much more negative, and this likely impacts women’s early masturbation, said About.com.
Seventeen.com wrote that whether girls masturbate or not depends on their personal beliefs, but every girl has the same right as a boy to explore her body in a safe way without feeling shame. Planned Parenthood added one study showed women who masturbate have higher self-esteem than those who don't.

Myth #9: Masturbation causes sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Only skin-to-skin contact or a transmission of bodily fluids from an infected partner can spread an STD, wrote Seventeen.com.

Myth # 10: Frequent masturbation affects a woman’s fertility or man’s sperm production. 

Masturbation is a completely safe sexual practice said DivineCaroline.com. It doesn’t have any negative impact on reproductive function.

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