Tips to prevent office back pain


Back pain is a nothing short of a modern day plague; around seven out of 10 of us can expect to suffer from it at some time.

Back pain is a major cause of days off work, and is the second most common cause of long-term sickness in the UK, after stress.

Much of the back pain is not caused by lifting heavy objects or shifting around chests of drawers, but is down to sitting at an office desk for lengthy periods of time.

Many office workers don't even take a break from their desk: A UK wide survey by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists found one third choose to work through lunch breaks.

Yet sitting is one of the worst things you can do to your lower back, and that's before slouching and bad posture are factored in. Just working in the same position without a break increases the risk of developing back (and neck) pain.

To prevent developing back pain while sitting in front of a computer, try the following tips from the British Chiropractor Association:

•Relax when sitting into your chair. Make sure you have your bottom against the seat back with your shoulder blades touching the back rest of the chair

•Make sure your feet touch the floor, or use a foot rest

•There should be space between the front of your seat and back of your calves

•Your hips should be higher than your knees (tilt the seat)

•Arms should be flat and your elbows level with the desk or table you are using. Use a seat with arm rests

•Take regular breaks. Never sit at the computer for more than 40 minutes; less if possible

•When you take a break, walk around and stretch a little; do something completely different

•Remove any obstacles from under your desk to ensure you have enough leg room

In addition, position the monitor so that it is straight in front of you, at about arms length, and make sure it is directly in front of you, not at an angle.

The top of the screen should be at eye level, and you should not need to look up, twist your body or lean forward to use it.

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