Saving Tips To Not Contaminated Toothbrush Bacteria

Brushing the teeth is useful for cleaning plaque and bacteria on the teeth. But if the toothbrush is not stored properly, can actually cause infection and spread of certain diseases.

"Brush your teeth contain many bacteria, hence must be stored properly," said researchers from England's University of Manchester, as quoted by WebMD, Monday (08/22/2011).

How many microorganisms that can be hidden in a toothbrush?

Researchers found that a toothbrush can become the headquarters for more than 100 million bacteria. Bacteria, based on a toothbrush including E. coli bacteria that can cause diarrhea and staphylococcus bacteria that can cause skin infections.

"The bottom line is, there are hundreds of microorganisms in our mouths every day," said Gayle McCombs, RDH, MS, professor and director of the Dental Hygiene Research Center at Old Dominion University.

Meanwhile, the dentist Kimberley Harms, DDS as the consumer advisor of the American Dental Association tells us things to remember is the plaque attached to the tooth is a layer containing bacteria. So every time someone brushing your teeth, bacteria originating from the plaque attached to the toothbrush.

Although the human body has the ability to fight bacteria, but there's nothing wrong if someone keep a toothbrush as possible to avoid contamination by bacteria or viruses.

Some tips to save a toothbrush to minimize bacterial contamination include:

1. Note the distance of a place to store the toothbrush in the toilet

If the toothbrush is stored in places that are too close to the toilet, then flush the toilet every time someone lets the air tersemprotnya bacteria that cause bacterial contamination of the toothbrush.

2. Wash your hands before brushing

Just as before eating, before brushing your teeth should also wash their hands first.

3. Save toothbrush after rinsed beforehand

After use and before storing toothbrush, rinse the toothbrush thoroughly with running water. Make sure the toothbrush is clean of residual toothpaste that sticks before saving.

4. Keep a toothbrush in a dry

Bacteria love damp, therefore keep a toothbrush in a dry place. Make sure the stored where it can cause dry toothbrush after use and rinsed. Avoid choosing a toothbrush designs that could potentially be damp when stored, so it will become breeding grounds for bacteria.

5. Keep a toothbrush with brush head facing upward

Save a toothbrush with brush head facing upward will allow the brush head can be dry or moist when stored.

6. Keep a toothbrush at a fairly high

Toothbrushes stored in a place that is high enough to minimize the toothbrush splash water while watering or flushed the bathroom floor or toilet.

7. Do not use a toothbrush turns with other people or other family members

Toothbrush is a very individualized. Although the brothers, do not use a toothbrush in turn. This could allow for cross-infection from a bacteria or virus even fungi.

8. Do not store toothbrushes toothbrush adjacent to other people or other family members

When the toothbrush is stored in adjacent or even a toothbrush sticking with the other can allow the occurrence of cross-infection from a bacteria, viruses, fungi as well. Each toothbrush is in contact with another toothbrush can allow the spread of bacteria.

9. Replace your toothbrush after illness

Replace the toothbrush after an illness will prevent recurrence of the disease, especially diseases caused by bacteria and viruses.

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