What is the cause of a sudden heart attacks

What is the cause of a sudden heart attack? Hearth attack is the cause of death is often experienced by humans today. What are the signs when we are exposed to a sudden heart attack? Consider the following article:

Heart attack or also known as myocardial infraction is sudden death of heart muscle from a sudden obstruction in the coronary arteries due to blood clotting.

Blockage of this artery takes blood and oxygen from the heart muscle that causes the heart muscle injury. Injury to the heart of this cause chest pain and a painful sensation. If blood flow to the heart muscle is not restored within 20-40 minutes can cause death, as quoted from Medicinenet, Tuesday (08/04/2009).

There are several causes
heart attacks, among which:

High cholesterol levels
High cholesterol levels will accelerate the process of atherosclerosis that is a blockage of blood vessels. Cholesterol levels for adults should be no more than 200 mg / dl. Foods that can cause high cholesterol, namely seafood, egg yolks, milk and ice cream saturated.

High blood pressure
Based on WHO data normal blood pressure in adults is 140/90 mmHg. People who have high blood pressure at higher risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Smoking habits
Smoking can cause heart attacks because of accelerating atherosclerosis because of irritation in the walls of blood vessels that accelerate cholesterol, ease of developing blood clots that can clog blood vessels and lower levels of good cholesterol.

Lack of exercise
Regular exercise can reduce your risk of heart attack, because it can facilitate the intake of oxygen and blood throughout the body.

Excessive coffee drinking habits
Excessive coffee drinking habits of more than 4 cups a day can trigger the occurrence of suspected heart disease. Based on research conducted in Costa Rica are the people who frequently consume more than 4 cups of coffee a day had a risk of heart disease two-fold compared with people who do not consume or just one cup a day.

physical and mental fatigue can trigger various chronic diseases, such as digestive disorders, cardiovascular system disorders and decreased stamina. Tired body condition coupled with the continuous consumption of cigarettes and various supplements and beverages that contain ginseng and caffeine can aggravate the situation which resulted in someone having a heart attack.

So, to avoid the attack of heart disease should set a healthy lifestyle and get used to exercise regularly and stop smoking.

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